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Juneteenth Flag

Juneteenth Flag: A Powerful Symbol of Freedom and Unity

Origins and Symbolism

The Juneteenth flag is a prominent symbol of the Juneteenth holiday, which celebrates the end of slavery in the United States. Created by activist Ben Haith in 1997, the flag features a red, white, and blue design reminiscent of the American flag, serving as a reminder that enslaved people and their descendants are Americans.

The Revised Version

The flag was revised in 2000, taking the form we recognize today. According to the National Juneteenth Observation Foundation, the bursting star symbolizes freedom while the arc represents the new sky of freedom.

A Symbol of Juneteenth

Juneteenth, also known as Emancipation Day, is a holiday observed on June 19th. Its most prominent symbol is the Juneteenth flag, representing the enduring legacy of slavery and the fight for freedom and equality in the United States.
